Dying Light 2: Gamescom episode announced - parkour

The Polish video game company Techland today announced the third livestream for the Dying Light successor. As part of the GamesCom, a special episode is organized, which will be discussed more closely on the gameplay. The LiveStream is moderated by the Game Designer Tymon Smektała and transferred via the studio of Gamescom together with IGN.

As an appointment the 26 . August set. From 20:00 you can expect a gameplay trailer and new information about the game. This time the parkour and the camera elements are the focus. As in the first part, the parkour is a central game element. You will be shown how to properly use a parking tour to move up to you and how more complex moves can be inserted into a fight.

The combat system is also treated. In the course of the game, you will gain a variety of weapons, with which you can put them against the infected person. Some of them are presented in the stream and additionally explained the idea behind it. In addition, it is discussed how the fighting distinguishes against infected and against human opponents. Add to this more details about the combat system and the factions.

Apart from the game, the platform TechlandGG is spoken, which understands itself as a community center. Also the soon took place Cosplay competition is addressed.

Low-gravity event for the first part

Incidentally, a new event was announced for the first Dying Light offshoot. Here is the game world of extraterrestrial society, which has changed the gravity. Your task is to protect the city of Harran. The whole thing runs until 1 September at 19:00.

In the last Livestream, Techland presented the opponent types. The then published trailer can you find here:

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Dying Light 2 will be released on December 7 for PS5, Xbox Series X / S, PS4, Xbox One and PC.

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