The best cooking for cookies with a clean vanilla - cookie Run Kingdom

Cookie Run : Kingdom - Pure Vanilla Cookie TikTok Compilation #60 Pure Vanilla Cookie is one of the rarest characters in Cookie Run Kingdom. By acquiring it, you will learn that its healing abilities are outweighed by a long recovery time, which does not allow its strength to achieve its maximum potential. This can be counteracted by loading x5 Swift Chocolate fillings, ingredients that sharply reduce the total recovery time.

In addition, you can add x5 solid almonds for filling, which helps to increase resistance to damage. Considering that Pure Vanilla Cookie is a character focused on support, the presence of such a perk can be of great importance on the battlefield. But then you can always strive for a mixture of two. For example, X3 Swift Chocolate and X2 Solid minmonds.

In any case, you should rely on the variation of two fillings. This will increase your survival in battle, and also reduce the reloading timer to use abilities more often. As soon as the fillings are added, the leader of Ancient Heroes will become one of the best pawns on the field.

To find out more about the Cookie Run Kingdom, be sure to read the decoration guide Cookie Run: Kingdom Springtime with Cherry Blossoms right here in Pro Game Guides.
